Comfort is of paramount importance when purchasing a new pair of spectacles. It can be a difficult and even tedious task for some, hence why the assistance of a professional is needed. Any dispenser worth their salt will always encourage the wearer to try on as many different styles and material types, if not for any other reason than to quickly eliminate those that are uncomfortable to wear. There are various styles one might have seen and admired on family and friends and would be keen to have. However, it is important that what one wishes to emulate is compatible with their facial features.
There are different things to be mindful of; the material the frame is made from, the size and fitting of the frame, the best lens material to use determined by the prescription; to name but a few. Some of these points may sound blatantly obvious to consider, but would not be so apparent to someone who has their heart set on a specific style, and no amount of reasoning can persuade them otherwise. An example of an incredulous choice of a frame would be a female of petite build and with a high myopic prescription of say 10D, opting for a metal frame with a fine finish and a large eye size. It would fit very poorly and would be uncomfortable, most likely not staying on the wearer’s nose; and the lenses produced would be thick, heavy and unsightly to look at. The material that the frame is made from will have a bearing on its overall finish and weight, for instance, high-grade titanium produces lightweight frames that are durable and hypoallergenic as it is not an alloy. Comparing acetate and metal frames, in most cases, acetate frames have a fixed moulded bridge, and this cannot be altered or adjusted, however, in the case of metal frames, they come with pads on arms that can be adjusted to the best fit the wearer needs.

Lens material choices need to be succinctly explained so an informed decision is made, and to help manage expectations on the finished product that will be received. The lens material used will influence the weight of the spectacles.